Sinks, shower, washing machines (graywat<100m3/year) toilet (1000-1400x/emptying
Double drainage package
- for small houses, holiday homes (individual drain)
Includes a closed tank and gray water system. Systems can be supplemented with related products (see also):
That tank volume can be increased with an extra tank and connection set, it can be equipped with a wireless alarm.
A BioBox extension neck is available for the gray water system when the unit is installed deeper, as well as an absorption well when a long-life (maintainable) absorption / post-polishing of gray water is desired.
Dimensions, drawings and technical data for all products can be found on the technical pages (link in the top row). Under the product information (See also) you can find additional products, such as thermal insulation packages etc.
If necessary, ask for more information (survey below), write in the survey which product you want more information about.
New products card - look more here!
• Automatic, CE tested, downtime function (BAT)
• Small - LOW model - SA model
• Effective, min. excess sludge, sludge treatment
• Long service life 50-100 years, advantageous in use
• Technology by Raita, Siemens, Xylem, Gardner
Raita Environment
Astrakanintie 194
FI- 05200 Rajamäki
+358 400 912 111