SK250 - BioBox XL 600 l / 24 H - KK600
The property's gray waste water (washing and rinsing water) is directed to the Raita BioBox for cleaning. In the BIO processes of the treatment plant, the organic matter and phosphorus of the wastewater are used as food for microbes.
BioBox is "tailored" to the target. All BioBox models are designed for use by one family (2 to 5 inhabitants). The use of the properties and the amount of waste water varies greatly depending on the level of equipment and degree of use. Because of this, we have numerous options for one family/property.
BioBox gray water filter - package. Why should you get additional devices in addition to the BioBox?
SK100 is a sedimentation well developed for separating grease from kitchen water, which is used in gray water purification before the BioBox filter. We recommend enhanced fat separation when you regularly live in a holiday apartment or small house and more fat is produced from cooking. SK100 sedimentation well, can be maintained by yourself, in which case the grease is removed from the well and composted on the property.
KK600 is an absorption and sampling well in the BioBox to lead the purified water to the ground. Wastewater experts and environmental authorities recommend a small soil treatment for dismantling the gray water filter. Soil absorption, when the water can be absorbed into the ground, or soil filtration, when it is led into an open ditch.
Biomodule BM9 has been developed to improve the biological activity in wastewater soil treatment. In the modules, biological cleaning is enhanced due to the large biosurface (9m2 biosurface/BM9). After the gray water filter (e.g. BioBox and septic tank), ground-based treatment (absorption, stone bed) can be smaller. Typical areas of use are vacation homes located near water bodies and in other more sensitive environments.
The BioBox equipment is cost-effective, easy to maintain and efficient. When choosing equipment, consider: 1) equipment level | 2) utilization rate | 3) the toilet system to be used. The ease of use, environmental friendliness, and costs of using well-designed equipment are realized during the equipment's long service life (50-100 years).
See also the – (below) section. There you can find additional products from RAITA BioBoxes; equipment for sludge treatment, absorption of purified water into the ground, composting DryMix compost mixture, thermal insulation packages, etc.
If necessary, ask for more information (form below), write in which product you want more information about. You can also get a free remote mapping of your destination, which includes an estimate of the acquisition and installation costs, an operating cost calculation and a calculation of the operating costs and environmental impact (carbon footprint) of the entire product life cycle (>50 years).
New products card - look more here!
• Automatic, CE tested, downtime function (BAT)
• Small - LOW model - SA model
• Effective, min. excess sludge, sludge treatment
• Long service life 50-100 years, advantageous in use
• Technology by Raita, Siemens, Xylem, Gardner
Raita Environment
Astrakanintie 194
FI- 05200 Rajamäki
+358 400 912 111